Fata Morgana

Fata Morgana is my willingness to create a visual complexity around the visual representation of migrants.

Fata Morgana show that other storytelling about migration or who we consider “the other” are possible. Even if we are diverse we should remember to treat with the same ethic, empathy and equality whatever human being we are photographing.

Everybody has the right to a dignity life and dignity representation.

Italy, like all of Europe, has become a place of wonder and hope for people who are fleeing from Africa or Meddle East. But from our “west point of view“, migrant lives are reduced to few and common stereotypes or captured in a suffering moment of their existence: pictures on newspaper make always a different oncologic and visual treatment of the person according to his/her origin.

I started Fata Morgana in 2015 because as photographer I felt deeply irritated by a picture that show the body of a Syrian baby boy on a beach in the failed aim to reach Europe.

So, I decided to set up other photos from my point of view and esthetic to give other visual representation to people who are fleeing their homes in search of a better life.